So, like always, I'm down to the last minute trying to wrap everything up before the biggest convention of the year. So I'll try and make this quick but there's a lot to get through so lets kick it off...
Item 1! My Little Pony Friends Forever #7
In stores this week! Pinkie Pie vs. Princess Luna in a steel cage death match! (Not really.)
Here's a preview.
Written by
Jeremy Whitley, Colors by
Heather Breckel, Lines by me. There are many, many covers Some by me, some by the Great
Amy Mebberson-- Here's one of mine.
You Can get your copy at your friendly neighborhood comic shop. OR Hastings. Or
Online. OR you can get a copy directly from me at...
I'm in
artist Alley this year for the first time. Super psyched about it-- I'm debuting a whole new convention set-up (For you con set up enthusiasts out there.) you can find me at
DD12. Right next to my pony peeps Andy Price and Sara Richard.
We did this last year too and people seemed to dig it-- All week long we'll be selling raffle tickets for $5. And then at 1pm Sunday we'll draw for a your chance to win this Original Art. The Space Ponies, Jetpack Comics Variant covers to MLP: Friendship is Magic #21 AND MLP: Friends Forever #7! Thats 2 original Comic book covers in 1, y'all!
(Must be present to enter. We'll call you if you win but try and be there for the drawing-- it'll be exciting!)
You can get the actual issues next week exclusively at
BronyCon from
Jetpack Comics. (Or if you hurry, I'll have a very few copies at my table in San Diego.
It's been a long time since I did any new original prints for myself so I made it a point to get a couple done for this show. I did a new Pulp Cover print and a new Adorable Tragedy...
Also, Ive got a bunch of new Prints of some of my newer MLP covers. All prints are 11x17" on 80lb. high quality paper and they're all just $10.
For the most part at the show you'll be able to find me at Artist Alley DD12. But I've also got a few panels and signings. Here's those.
Friday, July 25th at the IDW booth (BOOTH #2643), @AndyPriceArt @TonyFleecs @amymebberson @AgnesGarbowska @SaraRichard and @katiecandraw will all be there from 5-6pm.
Saturday, July 26th, 10:00am-11:00am: Get a DOBERMAN Convention Exclusive signed by Con Exclusive Cover Artist Tony Fleecs, Regular Cover Artist Bernard Chang, Writers Rob Rosell, Scott Marder, and Jack Lambert for DOBERMAN and Writer Ken Kristensen, Cover Artist Jose Lopez, and Cover Artist Bernard Chang for INDESTRUCTIBLE!

(What's that? Oh yeah, did I mention I did this SDCC Exclusive cover for Darby Pop's
DOBERMAN #1? Well, I did! Just for all you Golan Globus heads out there.)
IDW: Kids Comics Panel!, Sunday, 7/27/14, 10:00a.m. - 11:00a.m., Room: 4
Who's got the best comics for kids? IDW, of course! My Little Pony! Angry Birds! TMNT! Littlest Pet Shop! Skylanders! Cartoon Network: Super Secret Crisis War! Join editors Sarah Gaydos, Bobby Curnow, David Hedgecock and Carlos Guzman as they talk all these titles and more! With special guests Louise Simonson, Katie Cook, Tony Fleecs, Andy Price, Derek Charm, and too many more to mention! Plus, free comics for kids!
... I think that's it for me. I'm gonna be exhausted by the end of next week-- just in time to fly to Baltimore for...
I'm really excited to be a guest of honor at
this year's Bronycon! Look-- I even did the program book cover!
I also did the afore mentioned joined Jetpack comic covers AND the cover to the
exclusive bronycon comic-- Friends forever #7. (All of those will be available at the
Jetpack comics booth.)
I'll be in the vendor hall all weekend with my pals Heather Breckel, Andy Price and Katie Cook! I'll of course be selling prints and originals (if you've got a little extra $$ to blow) and signing comics and sketching for you guys all weekend long.
They've got us on a panel Sunday at 2pm--
Ponies to Paper: The Journey of a ComicJoin the creators of the IDW comics as they discuss the conception and creation of the stories you have grown to love. Katie Cook (Writer), Andy Price (Artist), Tony Fleecs (Artist) and Heather Breckel (Colorist) will tell you about the ins and outs of putting these ponies on paper.Location: Mane Event's Hall
Track: Main Events & VIP Panels
Start Time: 8/3/2014 2:00 pm
End Time: 8/3/2014 3:00 pm
Then the weekend after that Stockton con in colorful Stockton CA... Then I'll sleep for a month. Did I mention I also
DRAW THESE THINGS in-between all this madness?? I just wrapped up the art on
MLP Friends Forever #9 Featuring the Flim Flam Bros. and Granny Smith. And I've got a bunch of covers coming out soon that nobody's seen yet. Exciting times!
OK! I've gotta get back to work. Hope to see you at one of these upcoming shows... If not, the LEAST you could do is just pick up these comics I draw at the shop. Come on!! ;)
Love you guys & gals. XOXO.